Since the version 3.9 Save a lot of time in managing the spawns thanks to their category name instead of adding jobs one by one.
Choose the exact location of each spawn according to jobs.
Make spawn for donator/VIP rank (work also with ULX rank).
To open the panel Press "Use" on the entity.
Compatible with ServerGuard Since 21 january 2017.
Compatible with ULX ranks and other administrative addons.
Multi Map.(Compatible with all maps and gamemodes)
No need to reboot your server, It is instantaneous.
There is no need to give an FTP access to your administrators, it is editable in-game.
Spawn point called "AllJob" dont exist in the version 3.1 for the same function rename just the spawn "Global" with an big "G" !.
Spawn Compatible with all Job with all version use DarkRP base, by example ( StarwarsRP, PoudlardRP, Ect.).
Since the version 3.0 you can add several jobs in one point.
Category system to manage a group of job by their category name the Since the version 3.9 (24 august 2018).
This system fixe also your custom spawn issue where the /setspawn wouldn't work. It is extremely faster, easier to configure. Since the big update (version 3.9 (24 august 2018)) A new option allows you to assign a category name instead of a job to spawn all jobs in a category. Then a random selection will be among them. It does not change the behavior of normal spawn. The module incorporates its own persistence system. Whether you change your mind and want to move the spawn point like an entity it's possible. Admins that ULX or Other spawn at a specific point. For example if you find that spawn at the police officers arriving on servers and that doctors in hospitals, For the spawn darkrp military officer in his office. Player Spawn Point Editor fix also darkrp set spawn command"Ī full spawn point system. Keep an overview that is quick and easy to customize without rebooting your server. "Official Player Spawn Point Editor is a complete gmod spawn manager, editable in real time.